Before reading any further, and especially before downloading anything, note: This skin is the property of Clan 9 From Outer Space. Please do not wear this skin in Internet play, and do not use it as a base for creating other skins.
First of all, we'd like to thank Dan Bickell, the talented artist who made the skin. He was quite good at working with us, understanding our ideas, and adding nifty touches of his own. We recommend him, not if you want Kewl Skins For Free, but if you're willing to pay a reasonable price for a job well done.
We have for the moment given up on trying to get this skin included in the distributed QuakeWorld skin packs. Maybe we'll try again someday. Currently it is installed on The Experimental Pits and Mothership servers (which are not QuakeWorld servers) for our use. Only Clan 9 From Outer Space members wear the skin. However, if you would like to be able to see us wearing the skin -- just because it looks good, or because you want to know who to run away from, or because it helps identify the players you must hunt down and destroy -- we've provided three EZ-2-Use options below, depending on whether you want to only see the C9 skin and not other skins, you want to see the C9 skin while using Multiskin 1.1, or you want to see the C9 skin while using Top20Skins.
- For people who don't use multiskin packs:
This option is for you if you want to be able to see the C9 skin, but you don't care for seeing the other skins that people might be wearing. It will allow you to see the C9 skin on C9 clan members, but all other players will still look like the normal "Quake Dude".
First, make a folder inside your Quake folder. Name it whatever you like; for example, "c9skin". Now download (400 kB) into that folder and unzip it, using the option to restore/create directories (this is the "-d" option if you're using pkunzip). This should create a "Progs" folder, and inside that, the files "Player.mdl" and "H_player.mdl". Now, when you start Quake with the "-game" command-line option specifying this folder (for example "-game c9skin"), you will be able to see the C9 skin on any C9 members on the Mothership. All other players will appear normal. All players will also appear normal if you are playing on other servers besides the Mothership.
- For people who are currently using the Multiskin 1.1 skin pack:
Delete (or move aside) the "player.mdl" file for Multiskin 1.1. Now download and unzip (400 kB) into the directory where "player.mdl" used to be; this will create a new "Player.mdl" file there. Multiskin 1.1 will continue to work the same as before, except that you will now be able to see the C9 skin on any C9 players on the Mothership.
- For people who are currently using the Top20Skins skin pack:
Delete (or move aside) the "player.mdl" and "h_player.mdl" files for Top20Skins. Now download and unzip (492 kB) into the directory where they used to be; this will create a new "Player.mdl" file and a new "H_player.mdl" file there. Top20Skins will continue to work the same as before, except that you will now be able to see the C9 skin on any C9 players on the Mothership.
Once you have the skin installed as described above, you can create a shortcut or batch file to start up Quake using the necessary "-game" option; if you're currently using Multiskin or Top20Skins you've probably already done this. When you start Quake with that shortcut or batch file, you will get the bonus of being able to see the skin of C9 members on the Mothership, and Quake will still work perfectly fine on other servers as well, whether or not those other servers support multiskin.
The only time you might see something odd happening is if you play on another server that has a custom clan skin installed, like the Mothership does. We're not aware of any, but it's an easy thing to do, so it's probably been done. In this situation, people wearing the custom clan skin on that server might appear to be wearing the C9 skin. No harm done. But if you find such a server, please let us know, because we're curious to see who else has done this.
Important: Some late-breaking news for users of UNIX Quake clients. You may need to rename the "Progs" directory and the .mdl files to be all lower-case for this to work! It is certainly necessary for SGIQuake.
As a little bonus for those of you who have read this far, here are a dozen screenshots taken on an SGI Infinite Reality running OpenGL SGIQuake. I set up my client to show the skin on everyone currently playing on the Mothership and went into observer mode to zoom around and take some pictures. Unfortunately the controls for SGIQuake are unstable enough, at least in my experience, to make this a rather hit-and-miss endeavor, but I still managed to snag a few looks at the skin in action. The one bummer is that SGIQuake doesn't seem to support the fullbright colors, so you don't get to see the skin's glowing eyes and gun lights in their full glory.
Select a thumbnail to download the JPEG. Files range in size from 20 kB to 130 kB.